CENTRO Journal vol. XXXIII, no. 1, Spring 2021
CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies
Volume 33 • Number 1 • Spring 2021
SPECIAL ISSUE: Navigating Insecurity: Crisis, Power, and Protest in Puerto Rican Communities
Guest editors: Aldo Lauria Santiago and Charles Venator-Santiago
Navigating Insecurity: Crisis, Power, and Protest in Puerto Rican Communities—Introduction
Aldo Lauria Santiago and Charles Venator-Santiago
Puerto Rico in Crisis and the Shifting Dictates of Empire
Pedro Cabán
“Promoting Justice for the Spanish-Speaking Individual”: Puerto Rican Consumer Activism in Philadelphia, 1960s to 1970s
Alyssa Ribeiro
Puerto Rico’s Economy: Before and After Hurricane Maria
José Caraballo-Cueto
“Even if they promise, you know it won’t happen”: Ontological Insecurity from Overlapping Collective and Cultural Trauma
Elizabeth Aranda, Rebecca Blackwell and Alessandra Rosa
(Re)Producing Insecurity for Puerto Rican Students in Florida Schools: A Raciolinguistic Perspective on English-Only Policies,
Molly Hamm-Rodríguez and Astrid Sambolín Morales
“Los hijos ausentes”: Citizenship, Activism, and Recovery in Post-Hurricane Maria Orlando
Julie Torres
The Donations Gap and the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season: Explaining Why Puerto Rico's Disaster Relief Operations Post-Maria Received Fewer Charity Contributions That Similar Efforts in Texas or Florida
Carlos L. Yordán
Listening to Puerto Rico and the Importance of Engaged Digital Scholarship in Academia
Thomas F. Anderson and Marisel Moreno
Yo no huelo a nada": el rastro de los sentidos en la comunicación del desastre (Puerto Rico 2017-2018)
Silvia Álvarez Curbelo
Book Reviews
Agrarian Puerto Rico: Reconsidering Rural Economy and Society, 1899-1940, by César J. Ayala and Laird W. Bergad (Tim Loreck)
Almost Citizens: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Constitution, and Empire, by Sam Erman (Aldo Lauria-Santiago)
Early Puerto Rican Cinema and Nation Building: National Sentiments, Transnational Realities, 1897–1940, by Naida García-Crespo (Manuel G. Avilés-Santiago)
Racial Migrations: New York City and the Revolutionary Politics of the Spanish Caribbean, by Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof (Ileana María Rodríguez-Silva)
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