Not the Time to Stay: The Unpublished Plays of Victor Fragoso

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Not the Time to Stay: The Unpublished Plays of Víctor Fragoso

Víctor Fragoso; Edited, Translated and with an Introduction by Consuelo Martínez-Reyes

ISBN 9781945662249 | LCCN 2018034538

Pbk. 2018; 244 pages

Not the Time to Stay brings to light for the first time the marvelous work of Puerto Rican playwright Víctor Fragoso. Eight plays, edited and translated by Consuelo Martínez-Reyes, portray the socio-cultural issues Fragoso sought to expose: the choice and difficulties of migration, the clash between American and Puerto Rican societies, the oppression suffered by Latinos in the USA, homelessness, and domestic violence, among others. Fragoso played a key role in the New York City theatre scene in the 1970s, and in the overall interrogation of Puerto Rican and Latino identities in the USA.

 About the Editor

 Consuelo Martínez Reyes is a Puerto Rican writer, translator, and Lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Studies at Macquarie University, in Sydney, Australia. Her academic work centers on the representation of gender, sexuality, and national sentiments in Hispanic Caribbean cinema and literature. She has translated for the PBS TV program Need to Know, theNational Council of La Raza, and the American Civil Liberties Union. She has recently published her short-story collection, entitled En blanco (La Pereza, 2018).